Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Character Sketches

coming, soon to be above this post.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hello & Welcome to my senior thesis! (I've always wanted to have a thesis =D)

The idea for this project came from my love for illustration and energetic spirit. With that, the great Dr. Professor Klinkowstein thought to find a way to describe some of the most intriguing points of my personality by creating a drawn character(s).
The definitions and descriptions of these characters would come from my peers perceptions of who they think I am as well as my own definition c/o obscure vocabulary.

My hope is to have others discover what make me—me, with an even greater hope and desire to see how we are all connected through our unique differences. It has been named: TheBIGWea (sounds like we).

Other than that, here lie the inspirations & ideas.

Now let us begin our journey...